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Module slideshows

Hello, I tried many times to install the module slideshows, but without success. Tried it from back-end and also via FTP. No success. I can see the module in the back-end, but when I try to install it: "No installer found". But the installer is present in the directory: src/Backend/Modules/slideshows/Installer/install.php What could be wrong ?


Hi Peter, can you download the zip from this github repository and try this one?

I noticed some folders not capitalized in slideshows/Installer/install.php. They all should be capitalized, so that's why the install.php can't be found probably. This could indicate an older version. The github repo has the latest version

Hi Jesse, yes, that's was it. The downloaded file from your website was version 1.0, version 2.0 is working flawless. I'm playing around with Fork CMS and I'm impressed. Love it. Hope this project will be still alive.

Thank you very much


Hello Peter,

Note that there are 2 slideshow modules on the extensions page:

You probably downloaded the first one, which is outdated. You should be fine with the Slideshow module v2.0. If you encounter any bugs, feel free to create an issue on GitHub

Have fun.


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