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Move site to new hosting but very slow


I recently received all the files and an SQL export to move an existing site to a new hosting (site was made by somebody else) However the site is up and running but when I click on the links it is often very slow and the browser keeps "loading" and then after some time it goes to the link (

Any advice appreciated



Is there a problem with the cache files? I can't see the website anymore.

Was doing some tests, I have put it back as it was Could you have a look please?

This is fixed.

The website was actually still relying on the old cache (the cache build on the old hosting) and the previous owner's SQL server, as the parameters weren't updated properly and the database was empty (only the scheme was created).

So what was actually happening? The website was still using the old database in combination with the old cache, which was probably the cause the slow page load. Funny stuff really :) I updated the parameters, imported the actual data in the database and cleared the cache.


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