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Page's module does strange things


after I yesterday already had some problems, today I had a new one. After I finally solved all my problems en installed everything, the page module acts very strange. When I go backed to 'pages', I see all the pages. But when I select a page, the page isn't available. When I go to the site, the navigation shows the page. When I select it, the site shows an error 404. I also can't save or delete pages. I already deleated the module and installed it again.

Can somebody help my please?

Kind regards

Normally this kind of behaviour occurs when modules are not linked but I guess this isn't possible with the pages module. Can you enable debugmode so you can check? here you can see the errors. I don't know enough to solve the problems. Can you help me?

I just visited the page, Tried all languages and couldn't replicate any error. Except for language NL, clicking on tab "sdfsdf", where the 404 pointed me to a page mentioning Sara Moralez Hernãndez.

Using Chrome 40.0.2214.94.

Yeah, that's the strange thing. I created that page and when I wanted to save it, I received an error. When I want to adjeust that page, the page doesn't exist. However I can see it on the site.

Weird, what happens if you just create another page? Does that one work?

If I create another page (enter name,...) and press 'add page', I have an 500 error.

Have you tried to remove the cache? Sometimes this will solve some problems.


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