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Problems with old 3.3.0 installation


One of my old clients is having problems with its website. The website does not load anymore. Only a white screen. This error comes in. Does anyone know what it could be and where I need to look?

Thanks in advance

Message The file "D:\www\bodenstaff-graszoden\www/frontend/cache/compiledtemplates/ee54d073a042ca2ba9b780b09e727a5arecentarticleslist.tpl.php" could not be created. Check if PHP has enough permissions. File D:\www\bodenstaff-graszoden\www\library\spoon/file\file.php Line 325

Can you check if /frontend/cache has the right permissions (755) because it seems that it doesn't have permission to write cache files to that folder?

All rights were right. The webhost also could not trace the problem and has put back a backup. Time for my client to update the CMS to 3.9

Thanks for your help


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