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We could not find an installer for the module "Catalog".

Hello, I have problem with install of Catalog and NavigationBlock modules. I'm using Fork 3.6.6 thanks for your help

Are you using version v1.0.2 for the Catalog module? Because the current version online is for Fork CMS 3.7. You can find v1.0.2 here. I used the Catalog module on Fork 3.6.6 last month and it worked fine...

Version 2.0.1 ok, I will try older version are there any significant changes?

Nope, version 2.0.1 are just changes to make it work in Fork CMS 3.7 I think.

great, it's work and what about NavigationBlock module? same problem thx Rudo

Hi Rudo,

There are no significant changes in the latest version of the Catalog module rather then an update to the Fork CMS 3.7 version.

Did you download the latest version of the Navigation Block module? You can download it here (Fork CMS 3.6.x), you can also download the module for Fork CMS 3.7.x.

Let me know if you need something else :).


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