Fork CMS 3.2.5 released
- Written by Davy Hellemans on Tuesday 14 February 2012
Today we released Fork 3.2.5. You can also follow Fork on GitHub.
- Core: fixed LFI vulnerability.
- Core: fixed XSS vulnerability
- Core: you can now override the template for sub navigation and the navigation: {$var|getsubnavigation:'page':{$}:2:null:null:/core/layout/templates/subnavigation.tpl'}
- Extensions: installing a pre-uploaded theme from the themes overview now installs the selected theme instead of the last theme.
- Mailmotor: fix CSV address imports.
- Pages: include footer/meta subpages in the linkedlist.
Koen Vinken wrote 12 years ago
Aha, CSV import is fixed. Thx!